Perfect Henna Starts with the Perfect Cone — Here’s How

Hey Henna Friends!

Screenshot of the cover for the You Tube video for cone rolling

The secret to creating stunning henna designs isn’t just in the paste — it’s in your cone! Rolling your own henna cones lets you control the size and shape, making a huge difference in your art. Whether you like fine, intricate details or bold, juicy lines, the right cone can transform your work.

The is nothing more irritating for me than cutting cello! It's one of those tasks that I just can't stand doing. Luckily, you can outsource this task with our fantastic high-quality cello that is already cut into triangles, so you can roll cones that suit your style.

Picture of a stack of cyan blue cello triangles

We offer both a small and a medium size cello triangle. I prefer the small size triangle which comfortably holds between 6-18 grams of henna paste. the medium size holds up to 25g of paste.

Rolling your own cones might seem intimidating, but with a little practice (and our helpful video tutorial!), you’ll find it’s a game-changer.

A well-rolled cone gives you consistent pressure control, steadier lines, and better paste flow. Plus, you can experiment with different sizes and shapes to find out what works for you. Trust us — once you start rolling your own cones, you’ll wonder how you ever did henna without them!

Check out our cone-rolling guide and video tutorial here to get started. We have a variety of other helpful henna videos here.

I hope this game-changing tip helps!

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